ComponentPack for PowerBuilder
Just Released! Only $299 U.S.

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Only $299 U.S. (Reg. $395)
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ComponentPack for PowerBuilder

Advanced Office Capabilities for your PowerBuilder Application

Now with ComponentPack, you can add a full-featured spreadsheet as well as spell checking capability to your PowerBuilder applications with building-block simplicity. Based on the best-selling Formula One and VisualSpeller from Visual Components, ComponentPackÆs pre-built, pre-tested components offer the most advanced office features available for your PowerBuilder applications. A full-size spreadsheet, Formula One for PowerBuilder includes the most commonly used spreadsheet functions and supports Microsoft Excel 4.0 formula syntax, external references, and complete spreadsheet formatting. For accelerated development, VisualSpeller provides seamless incorporation of high-performance spell checking into any PowerBuilder application. It also offers extensive dictionaries in four popular languages: American English, French, German, and Italian.

ComponentPack for PowerBuilder